Monday, 5 December 2011

Time Management for music video production

Planning Diary

By the 8th
Audience Research carried out from a mixture of facebook, twitter and in person to gather as much different information from a wide range of different people.

By the 10th
Finished shot list and start to but forward ideas for the storyboard and start drawing of storyboard

By the 11th
Finish storyboard and audience profile poster. Begin to take pictures of storyboard and create  a animatic

By the 13th 
Finished animatic, now audience research and profiling is complete begin to look at the finished and confirmed actors/location/costumes and props

By the 15th
Decide on actor and location, start to draw up costume and prop list

By the 16th
Create planning documents on keeping time management for production filming times

By the 18th
Make sure all work is onto the blog with full costume and prop list.

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