Monday, 26 September 2011

Andrew Goodwin - Music Video Analysis

DJ Fresh - Louder

Right from the start of the video there is a large amount of establishment shots so set the scene. The song is in a sequence of verse bridge chorus and this is repeated throughout the whole song. Through the verse the two girls just do what we would assume to them as casual skating skating. Then as he song gets into the bridge their skating speeds up.

The video once again doesn't follow the narrative. The song is about music, where as the video is all about being young and having fun. There are a variety of shots through out the video. I'm guessing the camera is on some kind of track following the girls along. There is a large number of shot/reaction shots as it shows the one girl doing something and the cuts to the other girls reaction of what she's done. Also there are many match on action shots showing the girls do a trick then showing a close up of it, (for example fancy foot work) this puts more emphasis on the excitement of the video.

 Long shots on the the girls show off their attractiveness to attract male attention. To get the affect of the skateboarding the camera pans as it goes up and down the ramp, and also is put in to slow motion to make it more effective. 

The video has no real relevance to DJ Fresh as an artist. However the fast pace editing connotes how up beat the song is and exciting the video is. The use of intertextuality in the video has linked this modern music song to something more 80's. when we see skating we think of 80's disco. 

The video is disjunctive and not relevant to the video at all.

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